The members of the Sesame Board are committed to offering social ballroom dancing where all dancers are welcome. To achieve this goal, the board has established the following guidelines. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Dances are as much a social event as a "Dance".
Clothing is dressy or casual.
Due to limitations imposed by insurance and for the safety of all dancers, lifts, drops, and throws of a dance partner are not allowed during general dancing at Sesame dances.
For the waltz, foxtrot, and other similar traveling dance styles, dancing moves continuously counter clockwise (and does not stop or move clockwise) with the fastest dancers on the outside of the ballroom floor.
The center of the ballroom floor is for non-traveling dancers and is a safe spot for dancers unfamiliar with a dance style. Also, dancers in the outside dance lanes do not cut across the center of the dance floor.
Unless dancing with someone exclusively, if someone asks you to dance and you turn them down, it is not appropriate to dance with someone else for that song.
For slot dances such as West Coast swing, dancers should dance in line with the boards.
Please don’t give instruction to your dance partner unless it is requested. Every dancer progresses at their own pace. Welcome new dancers and be kind.